Diarrhoea is a condition that is characterized by frequent, loose, watery bowel motions. It is a typical symptom of gastrointestinal problems and infections that affect people of all ages. Diarrhoea can be acute, lasting from a few days to a few weeks, or chronic, lasting several weeks or more. Viral, bacterial, or parasite infections, dietary…
Dyspepsia is a medical term that refers to a group of digestive symptoms that occur in the upper area of the abdomen, such as bloating, belching, and stomach discomfort or pain. It is also widely known as indigestion. The treatment of dyspepsia is determined by the underlying reason, and popular solutions include antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump…
Low back pain is a widespread issue that impacts millions of individuals worldwide. It is distinguished by pain and discomfort in the lower back, usually between the waist and the buttocks. Low back pain can be acute, meaning it appears suddenly and lasts for a short time, or chronic, lasting more than three months. Lower back pain…
Infantile colic pain is a condition characterized by excessive crying, fussiness, and irritability in otherwise healthy infants. It typically starts in the first few weeks of life and can last for several months. The exact cause of infantile colic pain is unknown, but it is believed to be related to the immature digestive system of the infant. Infantile…
Elderberry plant (Sambucus spp.) extract is nutraceutical product which has historically been used both as food and as a remedy for health problems. Elderberry extract contains anthocyanins, which is a subset of flavonoids and has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects. The active compounds that are present in elderberries which are responsible for its medicinal properties includes:…
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