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How to Safely Treat diarrhea?

BLM LrGG – A natural remedy

Diarrhea can be acute (usually with illness) or chronic due to health problems like irritable bowel syndrome or an intestinal disease, malabsorption (where the body is not able to absorb nutrients) or other autoimmune issues.

Various causes in children may include but are not limited to:
  • Stress
  • Trouble digesting food
  • Food allergy
  • An illness
  • Side effects after consuming an antibiotic and/or any other medication
  • Traveler’s diarrhea

Diarrhea can be usually accompanied by abdominal cramps, stomach pain, gas, nausea, bloating, fatigue and weight loss. Depending on the cause, symptoms may occur differently. If a child suffers from diarrhea, he/she may have large, running, frequent or watery poop. The color of the poop might also vary from shades of green and brown.

An acute condition may typically last for a few days but when it persists for a few weeks it becomes a chronic condition that needs to be addressed in order to avoid serious complications.

Types & Causes

Persistent and Acute diarrhea may have different causes compared to chronic diarrhea.

Acute and Persistent diarrhea

Most cases of watery, acute diarrhea are caused by viruses such as viral gastroenteritis. The most commonest in children are rotavirus and in adults are norovirus (this is also sometimes termed as “cruise ship diarrhea”). Various bacteria are a very common cause of traveller’s diarrhea.

Chronic diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea means having loose stools regularly for more than four weeks. Chronic bloody diarrhea may be caused due to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Other very less common causes include colon cancer or polyps, radiation therapy, infections and ischemia of the gut. Infections leading to chronic diarrhea are very uncommon, with the exception of parasites.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition often associated with diarrhea, constipation or alternating diarrhea and constipation.  Other common symptoms are bloating, abdominal pain, and also a sense of incomplete evacuation.

Treatment Regimen

Treating diarrhea depends on many factors, including their age, symptoms, general health and severity, but hydration is most important to be considered.

One who is suffering from diarrhea should consider that the most common thing is to stay hydrated. Drinking at least six glasses of water per day is mandatory. One should try avoiding caffeine, acidic juices and sodas. Avoid drinking while eating as it ultimately slows down your digestive system, try drinking at least 30 min before or after eating. Along with this also improve hygiene, adequate sanitation and routine vaccination (rotavirus vaccine).

One of the remedies to treat diarrhea is by use of probiotics : As we know probiotics are basically good bacteria. Probiotics play an essential role in gut health and also enhance immune health. Probiotics are mainly involved with the digestive system. As it helps to digest food and also prevents the entry of infectious bacterias. There are multiple probiotics which can be used to treat different diseases. Following is one of the best probiotics in India used for treating diarrhea, IBS-D etc.

BLM LrGG contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG which is effective for the treatment of diarrhea. LrGG has been used as a probiotic or “friendly bacteria “, to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in stomach and intestines, also effective against diarrhea caused by rotavirus in babies and children. This product is possibly an effective aid for treating colic in babies, and in preventing diarrhea in children that occur while taking antibiotics. Few of the other conditions where LrGG is used is in irritable bowel syndrome, vaginal  infections caused by bacteria or ulcerative colitis. LrGG is safe to be used across all age groups.

Potential health benefits and uses

L. rhamnosus has several potential benefits and multiple uses for our digestive system and other
health areas.

  1. May help to relieve IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome affects around 9-23% of adults worldwide. The causes for IBS are unknown, but the symptoms are very uncomfortable such as unusual bowel movements, abdominal pain and bloating. Human studies have shown that Lactobacillus- rich foods or supplements may relieve common IBS symptoms, such as abdominal pain.
  2. Treat and May prevent diarrhea: As per WHO, diarrhoeal disease is the second largest leading cause for deaths in children under five years. In most of the cases diarrhea is harmless, however persistent diarrhea can ultimately lead to fluid loss/dehydration. Studies have proven that L. rhamnosus may help to prevent or treat various types of diarrhea.  L. rhamnosus may also protect against antibiotic-related diarrhea. Antibiotics can disrupt microbiota, which may result in digestive symptoms like diarrhea.
  3. Support gut health: Like other probiotic bacteria, L. rhamnosus is simply great for our digestive health. It belongs to the Lactobacillus family which produces lactic acid. Lactic acid helps to prevent the survival of potentially harmful bacteria in the digestive tract.  L. rhamnosus helps to increase the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, butyrate and propionate. These SCFAs are a source of nourishment for the cells lining the colon.
  4. May help to prevent UTIs: A urinary tract infection (UTI) can occur anywhere along the urinary tract, including  kidneys, urethra and bladder. Some studies indicate that probiotics, including certain strains of L. rhamnosus, may also help to prevent UTIs by killing harmful bacteria and also restores vaginal flora. An analysis of 5 studies in 294 women found that several Lactobacillus bacteria, including L.  rhamnosus, were safe and effective at preventing UTIs.

BLM LrGG is available in the form of drops and oro-melt sachets, it is recommended to take 7 drops a day for drops and one sachet a day for the best effect. The benefits offered are it helps in diarrhea, improves digestion and restores normal flora. It is an innovative dosage form i.e. oro-dispersible form- No need of water and oil drops-ease of administration in infants.

  1. Schiller LR. Diarrhea. Medical Clinics of North America. 2000 Sep 1;84(5):1259-74.
  2. Stelzer T, Heuss LT. Chronische Diarrhoe. Therapeutische Umschau. 2014 Aug 25;71(9):537.
  3. Szajewska H, Canani RB, Guarino A, Hojsak I, Indrio F, Kolacek S, Shamir R, Vandenplas Y, Van Goudoever JB, Weizman Z. Probiotics for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 2016 Mar 1;62(3):495-506.
  4. Pedersen N, Andersen NN, Végh Z, Jensen L, Ankersen DV, Felding M, Simonsen MH, Burisch J, Munkholm P. Ehealth: low FODMAP diet vs Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in irritable bowel syndrome. World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG. 2014 Nov 21;20(43):16215
  5. Evans M, Salewski RP, Christman MC, Girard SA, Tompkins TA. Effectiveness of Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus for the management of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea in healthy adults: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. British journal of Nutrition. 2016 Jul;116(1):94-103.
  6. McNabney SM, Henagan TM. Short chain fatty acids in the colon and peripheral tissues: a focus on butyrate, colon cancer, obesity and insulin resistance. Nutrients. 2017 Dec 12;9(12):1348.
  7. Grin PM, Kowalewska PM, Alhazzan W, Fox-Robichaud AE. Lactobacillus for preventing recurrent urinary tract infections in women: meta-analysis. Can J Urol. 2013 Feb 1;20(1):6607-14.

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The Rise of Nutraceutical Products in India

In recent years, there has been a rise in the usage of nutraceutical products in India. Nutraceuticals are defined as foods or food components that offer health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. This trend is being driven by several factors, including an increase in awareness about the importance of good nutrition, the growing prevalence of chronic diseases, and the changing demographics of the country. There are several reasons for the popularity of nutraceuticals in India. First, they are seen as a more natural way to improve one’s health. Second, they are generally considered to be safe and free of side effects. Finally, nutraceuticals are seen as a way to promote overall wellness, rather than just treating specific diseases. The following blog post will explore the rise of nutraceutical products in India and the factors driving this trend.

What are nutraceutical products?

When it comes to the Best nutraceutical products, there are a lot of different options available on the market. However, not all of these products are created equal. There are many other factors that need to be considered when choosing a nutraceutical product, such as the quality of the ingredients, the manufacturing process, and the company that makes the product.
The term “nutraceutical” is used to describe any food or food product that provides health benefits beyond the traditional nutrients found in foods. Nutraceuticals can come in many different forms, such as capsules, tablets, powders, bars, or liquids. They can also be derived from natural sources or synthetic sources. There are many different reasons why people take nutraceuticals. Some people take them to improve their overall health, while others take them to treat specific conditions or diseases.

Nutritional supplements can also be used to increase energy levels, improve mental clarity, and reduce stress levels.
When choosing a nutraceutical product, it is important to research and ensure that the product is of good quality & from a reputable company. There are many scams out there and not all products are created equal. Be sure to read the label carefully and choose a product that contains only high-quality ingredients.

The market for nutraceuticals in India

In India, the nutraceutical market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.8% from 2016 to 2021, according to a report by Markets and Markets. The nutraceutical market was valued at INR 94.6 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach INR 176.4 billion by 2021. The growing health consciousness among Indian consumers is the key driver for the nutraceutical market growth in India. Increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, is also fuelling the demand for nutraceutical products in India. In addition, the rising disposable incomes and changing food habits are driving the growth of the nutraceuticals market in India.
However, the high cost of these products and lack of awareness about their benefits are some of the major challenges faced by the nutraceutical industry in India.

The benefits of nutraceuticals

There are numerous benefits of nutraceuticals, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular in India. Nutraceuticals are food products that offer health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease.

Some of the most common benefits of nutraceuticals include:

  • Improved overall health: Nutraceuticals can help improve your overall health by providing essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body needs to function properly
  • Enhanced cognitive function: Many nutraceuticals contain ingredients that can help improve cognitive functions, including memory and concentration.
  • Increased energy levels: The nutrients in nutraceuticals can help increase energy levels, allowing for an active lifestyle and being productive throughout the day.
  • Better digestion: Digestive problems are a common issue in India, but nutraceuticals can help improve digestion and promote regularity.
  • Stronger immune system: Nutrients like vitamin C and zinc found in nutraceuticals can help boost your immune system, making you less likely to get sick.
  • Healthier skin: The antioxidants in nutraceuticals can help protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals, resulting in healthier, younger-looking skin

How to choose the right nutraceutical product

When it comes to choosing the right nutraceutical product, there are a few things that need to be kept in mind. First and foremost, the product needs to be backed by science.. There are a lot of products on the market that claim to be effective, but don’t have any scientific evidence to back up their claims. Secondly, the product needs to be safe. There are a lot of products on the market that contain ingredients that may be harmful to health. So, it’s important that a proper research is done and only products made with safe ingredients are chosen. Finally, the product needs to be effective. There’s no point in taking a product if it’s not going to deliver results. So, it is imperative to read reviews & discuss with consumers who have already used the products before the purchase decision is made.

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